Buy 17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha Nepal 26.98mm Pendant Online
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17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha Nepal, 26.98 mm size in silver pendant (RDN083112)


17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha is extremely beneficial for problems in marriage & all the relationships happening because of Saturn. The 17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha creates harmony by reducing friction & loneliness in relationships. If the marriage is heading towards divorce because of a lack of communication, a sense of loneliness & melancholy then 17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha can help greatly.

Gauri Shankar rudraksha is a “twin rudraksha “i.e. two rudraksha of different mukhi with a natural joint. This rudraksha creates a balance between the YIN and YANG (female and male energies or Ida and Pingala naadi) in our body-mind. If you are a male with excessive aggressiveness or you are a female with manly forces then you should use this rudraksha to have a balance in life. In case of marital conflicts both wife and husband should wear Gauri Shankar rudraksha.


17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha is extremely beneficial for problems in marriage & all the relationships happening because of Saturn. The 17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha creates harmony by reducing friction & loneliness in relationships. If the marriage is heading towards divorce because of a lack of communication, a sense of loneliness & melancholy then 17 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha can help greatly.

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