15 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia, 17.69mm size in silver pendant (RDN064994) - santoshsharmaa
Lab Tested Buy 15 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia, 17.69mm size in silver pendant
Buy 15 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia, 17.69mm size in silver pendant

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Indonesia, 17.69mm size in silver pendant (RDN064994)


15 mukhi rudraksha pacifies malefic or debilitated Mercury (Budha) graha. It works on the Anahata (Heart) chakra which is the seat of all emotions. 15 mukhi increases memory power, ensures success in examinations, and enhances intuitive power. It helps you attract good people who will add value to your life and create happiness in your heart. It blocks those people who create sadness in your life. 15 mukhi is very helpful in heart, lung and liver-related diseases. Blessed by Devi Shodashi, 15 mukhi balances all emotions and provides emotional stability.

How 15 mukhi controls our emotion?

15 mukhi rudraksha is mainly connected to our emotions. Many a time we draw the wrong people into our lives or get drawn to those who create sadness in our lives. For example, falling in love with someone who cheats on us or getting married to someone who is emotionally way apart from us. All these create sadness, loneliness and melancholy in life. For all these situations, 15 mukhi rudraksha is an all-round panacea.

What are the health benefits of 15 mukhi rudraksha?

We have all the vital organs like heart, liver, pancreas, lungs etc. in the heart chakra (Anahata chakra). Planet Mercury rules over the heart chakra. If Mercury is in debilitation or bad in your chart then all these vital organs become vulnerable to sudden onset of diseases. It is believed that 15 mukhi rudraksha is very helpful for diseases like palpitation, liver cirrhosis, heart blockage, tachycardia, pancreatitis etc.

How 15 mukhi improves our communication skills?

People who have communication problems must consider wearing 15 mukhi rudraksha. You might know many things but if you cannot express what you know then it is of no use. 15 mukhi can make you an effective speaker. You would be able to influence others with your lucid and concise expression.

How 15 mukhi improve our memory power?

15 mukhi rudraksha is also useful for long-term memory. If you are preparing for higher education, competitive examinations interviews etc. then 15 mukhi rudraksha can be very helpful.

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