10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant (RDN049896) - santoshsharmaa
Shop 10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant
Buy 10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant
Lab tested 10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant
shop 10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant
Buy 10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant

10 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha, 33.72mm size in silver pendant (RDN049896)


Gauri Shankar rudraksha is a “twin rudraksha “i.e. two rudraksha of different mukhi with a natural joint. This rudraksha creates a balance between the YIN and YANG (female and male energies or Ida and Pingala naadi) in our body-mind. If you are a male with excessive aggressiveness or you are a female with manly forces then you should use this rudraksha to have a balance in life . In case of marital conflicts both wife and husband should wear Gauri Shankar rudraksha.

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