Aura Chakra Reading Analysis

Aura Chakra

-: How planets effect and influence our auric body (electrical body around our physical body) :-
aura chakra

1. Root or mooladhara chakra provides stability in life. It is controlled and influenced by Rahu and Mars. Rahu being Infra-Red and Mars Red color frequencies.

2. Near Navel (orange color) is the Swadhisthana chakra, responsible for pleasures of life and pro-creation. Swadhisthana chakra is controlled and influenced by Venus and Moon.

3. Above navel area in the Manipura chakra (yellow color) which is the seat for power, promotion, success. Manipura chakra is controlled and influenced by Sun and Jupiter.

4. Over the heart (green color) is the Anahata chakra, which is the seat of emotions (love, hatred, insecurity, sadness etc.) . Heart or Anahata chakra is controlled and influenced by Mercury.

5. Over throat (blue color) is the vishuddhi chakra for expression and communication. Throat or vishuddhi chakra is controlled and influenced by Mercury and Saturn (as a combination).

6. On the forehead, between the eye brows is the third eye or Ajna chakra which bestows power on us to visualize and plan our future. Ajna chakra is controlled and influenced by Saturn, which works like a GPS.

7. On the top of head is the Crown chakra (Sahasraara), which works like an antennae to download out-box ideas from universe. Crown chakra is controlled and influenced by Ketu.

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Aura Chakra
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